
About Us


Lead Staff

Mark Warner

Chris Manning
Assistant Director of Operations

Ed Hattaway
Chief Quality Control Officer

Chris Smith

Jett Hattaway-

Craft is our passion, community is our mission

Our Story

Our founders, Ed and Jett Hattaway, a father/son team from Chattahoochee Hills, GA began home brewing as a pastime in 2014. The hobby soon attracted the attention of neighbors and friends in the community who appreciated the product. After some encouragement from friends and probably a few too many beers, the duo made the decision to legitimize their hobby by opening Cochran Mill Brewing Company.

The origins of the name are in Cochran Mill Park, just 2 miles from the family’s home where both Ed and Jett grew up as children. Over the years the park has served as a place for the family to hike, picnic, swim and mountain bike. Given the recreational use of park along with it’s rich history rooted in a time where local families lived off the land, it seemed a perfect opportunity to pay honor to those who came before and honed their craft to provide for their families and serve their community.

We have a love for our craft and gratification that comes with serving our community, but our real passion is bringing people together to exchange ideas and build meaningful relationships over a tall cold beer.